In the Word: Already Ours

Welcome to Hope Mommies’ In the Word devotionals. It is our desire that this series will aid you in getting in the Bible for yourself and discovering the joy that comes from hearing from God through the pages of His Word.

“who by God’s power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.” 1 Peter 1:5


Our heavenly future is being guarded on an on-going basis according to the language used here. It is being guarded even now, this minute. Why is that important? This means it is already ready and prepared. It already exists, and, even more, it already exists for us; it is already ours. And the only piece that is waiting is the manifestation of it when we will finally see and experience it personally.

We are not waiting for it as if it is something that still needs to be finished. We are only waiting for God’s perfect and wise timing to see revealed what already is. So, if nothing else right now seems sure, we can know this is. This is a sure thing. Charles Spurgeon said: “See, heaven is kept for us, and we are kept for heaven…There is a double action of God’s grace thus working in us, and working for us, unto bliss eternal.”


•Every minute of your day, God is acting on your behalf to guard, with His power, your future salvation. How does this change the way you think about God?

•Read 1 Peter 1:13 and 1 Timothy 6:11-14. In Christ, heaven is as good as ours. How does Christ’s readiness to give you a future in glory motivate you to be ready for His appearing?

•What does it mean to you personally that even though not everything is clear yet (1 Corinthians 13:12), God has a definitive plan for you that will be revealed in the last time?

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