In the Word: A Treasure of Wisdom

Welcome to Hope Mommies In the Word devotionals. Over the next few weeks, we will be meditating on Psalm 19 together. As we study these truths together, we’d love you to use the comments as a place to dialogue with us about what you are learning and share your answers to the questions below. We pray that you hearts will be encouraged as you dig into God’s Word each week with us! 

“the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple”
Psalm 19:7b


Baby loss is something we could never have imagined before it happened to us. That parents could survive their children? That a precious, small, vulnerable child could be without life? It is too much to handle ourselves. Maybe you are questioning just about everything else in life now too. Nothing seems guaranteed. Nothing seems solid.

Yet, there is a sure testimony to hear right now amidst these uncertainties circulating in the heart and mind—a joint testimony of people throughout history held in the divinely inspired Word of God (see Hebrews 11). This testimony is telling us that what God speaks to us there is permanent, established, and lasting; it is truth that we can set ourselves upon.

Knowing God’s Word as a sure, fixed foundation of permanence enables us, no matter who we are, to be very wise. When I considered my set of needs after my daughter went to heaven, I wanted sure answers—solid, wise ones. Scripture gives this—it testifies to the sovereign goodness and perfection of God. I found in it treasures of lasting wisdom. Bring your questions, and most of all, seek to know Him who is all-wise!

  1. Read through Hebrews 11. How do these testimonies of faith anchor your heart throughout the uncertainties of grief?
  2. What treasures of biblical wisdom have sustained you in your grief?

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