1104 results for author: Ashlee Schmidt
In the Word: Be Glorified in Us
Welcome to Hope Mommies’ In the Word devotionals. As we study God's Word together, we encourage you to use the comments as a place to dialogue with us about what you are learning and share your answers to the questions below. We pray that you hearts will be encouraged as you dive in Scripture with us!
“Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name." Matthew 6:5-6
As the first petition in the Lord’s Prayer, hallowing God’s name should be of utmost importance to us. This God-centered approach to prayer focuses our hearts on Him first and foremost. Our primary goal in prayer ...
A Song for My Soul: Peace
Music has the ability to speak into the deepest recesses of our hearts. God often uses songs to speak hope and encouragement to our souls. In this series, Hope Moms share songs that have pointed them to the hope of Christ in the midst of their grief. Is there a song that has comforted you in your grief? We'd love to have you share your story here.
When our oldest daughter was a baby, she, like many babies, did not enjoy her carseat. She would scream and scream until we discovered that there was a certain song that would immediately quiet her. The name of the song was “Peace” from the children’s album “To Be Like Jesus” by Sovereign ...
Renewed By Christ in the Storm of Grief
As mothers who have walked through the death of a child, it is easy to define ourselves by our losses—to feel unworthy, damaged, incomplete. But, dear one, this is not the sum of who you are. In Christ you have been made new, and you are daily be renewed.
You were once blind to spiritual things, but God mercifully opened you eyes to see Christ.
You were once rebellious and proud, but God drew you to Himself in beautiful surrender.
You were once in utter darkness, but God shone His light in your heart.
You once felt no sorrow over your sin, but God graciously granted you repentance.
You have been made new.
“And just as Christ was raised from ...
A Song for My Soul: Dear Refuge of My Weary Soul
Music has the ability to speak into the deepest recesses of our hearts. God often uses songs to speak hope and encouragement to our souls. In this series, Hope Moms share songs that have pointed them to the hope of Christ in the midst of their grief. Is there a song that has comforted you in your grief? We'd love to have you share your story here.
Anne Steele knew grief well: “She lost her mother at age 3, a potential suitor at age 20, her stepmother at 43, and her sister-in-law at 45. She spent many years caring for her father until his death in 1769. For many years, she exhibited symptoms of malaria, including persistent pain, fever, ...
A Place to Belong
Deep down we all long to be accepted and pursued. We yearn for a place to belong. This longing is also accompanied by a deep sense of rejection when we feel as if we don’t fit in or seem to be forgotten by others—when you don’t get called back after the interview, when someone else gets the promotion, when you don’t make the team, when everyone around you seems to be bringing home their babies and your arms feel heavy with emptiness.
But dear sister, please hear this: as your friends are posting pictures of beautifully decorated nurseries while yours remains empty, as the moms in your community meet together, and they don’t think to ...
In the Word: The Father’s Care
Welcome to Hope Mommies’ In the Word devotionals. As we study God's Word together, we encourage you to use the comments as a place to dialogue with us about what you are learning and share your answers to the questions below. We pray that you hearts will be encouraged as you dive in Scripture with us!
“Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven" Matthew 6:9
The pattern of prayer that Jesus set for us in Matthew 6 begins with a declaration of God as Father. When we come before God in prayer, we pray not to an impersonal deity, but to the One who sent His only Son to die in our place so that He ...
A Song for My Soul: My Life is in Your Hands
Music has the ability to speak into the deepest recesses of our hearts. God often uses songs to speak hope and encouragement to our souls. In this series, Hope Moms share songs that have pointed them to the hope of Christ in the midst of their grief. Is there a song that has comforted you in your grief? We'd love to have you share your story here.
What song has God used in your grief to speak hope and encouragement to your soul? How have the lyrics pointed you to the hope that we have in Christ? How did the truths presented in this song resonate with you in your sorrow?
I was standing at the kitchen sink doing dishes a few months after my ...
Our Glorious Adoption
One of the most precious themes in Scripture is that of the sonship of believers in Christ. This profound truth is filled with such hope and freedom and joy. In Christ, you have been adopted into the very family of God! The term adoption carries with it a strong sense of compassion, love, and permanency. To be adopted means to be given a secure and lasting place in a family in which you did not formerly belong.
We must savor this remarkable aspect of our salvation. We were once “by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which He loved us” has brought us ...