A Mother’s Day Prayer

Lord, I pray for the precious momma
Who comes to You this Mother’s Day
 With empty arms and a weary heart.
I ask you to wrap her in Your loving embrace and give her rest
For you are a shield around her and the lifter of her head (Psalm 3:3).

Where she is broken, bring healing.
Where she is lonely, draw near.
Where she is anxious, offer Your perfect peace.
For the eyes of all look to You
And You give what is needed (Psalm 145:15).

As she fixes her eyes on You,
Teach her how to love and grief well.
No one understands her pain better than You do.
You demonstrated what it looks like to suffer as unto the glory of God
When You willingly chose to go to the cross
And give Your life on her behalf.
Oh! What an undeserved gift!

Your love is relentless and Your grace is unending.
Thank You for remembering every tear she has cried.
Not one of them has escaped Your notice.
She longs for the day when pain and sorrow will be no more,
When infertility, sickness, and death shall cease.
But she can wait with hope,
For You are victorious.
You have overcome the grave
And one day, all that is wrong shall be made right.

Even in death, You are good.
Her heart is being held by the same hands that hold her baby now.
What comfort in believing that her baby is eternally happy in Your presence.
Her baby lacks no good thing.
And in You, she lacks no good thing either,
For in knowing You, there is fullness of life and joy.
Lord, open the eyes of her hearts to recognize Your goodness in each moment. 

You have never forsaken her,
And you never will.
Even now, You are guiding her with Your tender hand,
Leading her deeper into Your presence with each passing day.
Let her heart increasingly delight in You, Your Word, and Your people.
When she is tempted to believe that she has been forgotten or overlooked,
Remind her that You are familiar with all of her ways (Psalm 139:3),
For she is never out of Your sight. 

Turn her tears into laughter—
For everything is made beautiful in Your time (Ecclesiastes 3:11).
And when, one glorious day,
She joins her baby before Your throne
Your praise ever on her lips,
She shall be home at last.
Her best is yet to come.
Amen and amen!

- Ashlee

Hope Mom to Simeon and Odelle

Ashlee is the Editorial Coordinator for Hope Mommies and author of I AM (Hope Mommies, 2017) and Identity (Hope Mommies, 2018). She and her husband, Jesse, live in Milwaukee with their children—five on earth and two in heaven.

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