12 Days of Christmas {Giveaway}

Hope Mommies is excited to offer you 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways this holiday season!

Necklace 2As a Hope Mom or Dad, the holidays always seems to be one of the hardest seasons of loss to walk through. Your baby’s absence is so obvious and substantial.  It is difficult to enjoy the merriment and festivities of the holidays when your heart aches from missing your child and you are constantly reminded of the absence of someone so dear to you.  It is also challenging to know how best to honor and remember your baby in the midst of the holiday season.

We also recognize that many of us are surrounded by friends and family who long to show us love and encouragement as we walk through the sorrow of losing a precious child, but often they are at a loss as to how to come alongside a grieving parent in a meaningful and supportive way.  Perhaps you are a sister or friend to a grieving mother.  You desire to honor and remember their baby, but you aren’t sure where to start.  The items in these giveaways would make a great gift to the grieving mom you know — a way to let them know you have not forgotten the sorrow they are walking through.

DSC_6405Whether you are grieving the loss of a child or know someone who is, we hope these giveaways will be a source of extra encouragement as we seek to remember the lives of these precious babies who have gone home ahead of us.  Each giveaway will last for ONE DAY only, so be sure to check back every day to see who has won each day’s giveaway.

Our final giveaway, which will run on December 12, will be a full scholarship to the Hope Mommies 2016 Weekend Retreat.  We truly believe that this weekend can be an incredible catalyst for healing and renewed hope as you navigate the heartbreaking sorrow of losing a child.  The retreat is February 5-7  2016 in Giddings, Texas.  Registration for the retreat is $315. Check out this link for answers to any questions you may have concerning this retreat.

Scattered throughout these giveaways, you will find posts from other Hope Moms with testimonies of their past retreat experiences, stories of how they have chosen to honor their babies during the holidays, and encouragement for the days ahead.  I pray that your hearts are truly blessed by their words as we continue together to long for the day when we will see Christ face to face and be reunited with our precious ones for all eternity.

Today, we are excited to partner with Susan from Silver Lining Stamping and Kimberly from MadebyCrafterHours for Day 9 of our Christmas Giveaways.  Susan has graciously donated one of her “Hope Anchors the Soul” necklaces, and Kimberly has donated a “Hope” ring dish (both pictured above in this post) to our readers.  This ring dish is a custom design Kimberly created specifically for Hope Mommies.  You can follow this link to order your very own “Hope” ring dish from her site.

One winner will be chosen at midnight tonight to receive these beautiful products!

Kim Parkman is the owner of Crafter Hours, showcasing her unique gift products, party kits and decals on Etsy and hosting craft parties in the metro Atlanta area. First a wife and mommy, second a maker, Kim is consumed by the beach, backyard parties and wanderlust. She is also a lover of all things Southern- monograms, peaches, and the sunshine. Kim loves designing and welcomes custom orders. With the motto, “stay crafty and creative,” she knows there’s a maker hiding in everyone and she’ll help you find it!

Kim Parkman is the owner of Crafter Hours, showcasing her unique gift products, party kits and decals on Etsy and hosting craft parties in the metro Atlanta area. First a wife and mommy, second a maker, Kim is consumed by the beach, backyard parties and wanderlust. She is also a lover of all things Southern- monograms, peaches, and the sunshine. Kim loves designing and welcomes custom orders. With the motto, “stay crafty and creative,” she knows there’s a maker hiding in everyone and she’ll help you find it!

Personalized, hand stamped jewelry, key rings, vintage flatware, golf ball markers, and fishing lures.

Personalized, hand stamped jewelry, key rings, vintage flatware, golf ball markers, and fishing lures.

A Rafflecopter Giveaway

15 Replies to "12 Days of Christmas {Giveaway}"

  • Sunney Johnson
    December 9, 2015 (2:10 pm)

    Our Family’s Favorite Holiday Tradition is Opening Our First Present on Christmas Eve. Inside is a Mug, Hot Chocolate, Pajamas, Movies and Snacks. We get dressed in Our Pjs and Warm Up the Hot Chocolate and then load up in the Car and go look at Christmas Lights. Then We come Home and Snuggle Up to some Christmas Movies with Snacks in Hand. I Hope All of You have an Amazing and Very Merry Christmas.

  • Stephanie castillo
    December 9, 2015 (2:13 pm)

    I love this jewelry

  • Shay Gutierrez
    December 9, 2015 (2:24 pm)

    This necklace is great to wear as a daily reminder that Hope always Anchors the Soul

  • Lauren
    December 9, 2015 (2:44 pm)

    My favorite tradition is baking Christmas treats for family and friends to hand out.

  • Nina
    December 9, 2015 (3:28 pm)

    Our families favorite holiday tradition is Christmas morning breakfast. We make cinnamon swirl pancakes, peppermint milkshakes and fruit. It’s so yummy and a special treat only had once a year!

  • Linnea
    December 9, 2015 (5:16 pm)

    With the birth of our third a prideful dream of mine was to have a nice big house with lots of children, but after unexpectedly losing our almost 3 month old daughter this past April, I felt God showing me that my dream was building MY kingdom when in reality the whole reason we are here on this earth is to build HIS kingdom. Having this happen made me realize how short this life really is and I felt the desire to further Gods kingdom and amidst that prayer He showed me that I already have! Our sweet Bridgett is already there! Ps. 139:16 Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Thy book they were all written, The days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them.
    Hope Mommies- It is a huge testimony we can use in the midst of our pain and suffering and you can be encouraged that YOU HAVE furthered His kingdom, and if you have surrendered to Jesus and made Him Lord of your life then one day you WILL see you baby again!
    There is so much more to this life then just what the eye can see.
    2 Corinthians 10:3-4 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.
    Keep fighting the good fight of our faith. We are on the Lords side, and He will ultimately win! He has given us the option and privilege to be on HIS winning team!

    • Linnea
      December 9, 2015 (5:20 pm)

      And now I want to share Gods love with everyone and to help people know they can go to heaven and be with Jesus when they die too!

  • Leah
    December 9, 2015 (5:22 pm)

    We are just starting new ones this year now for our own little family! Ones we have done already this season are to fill shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child and get Christmas jimmies for our son so he can wear them all month đŸ™‚

  • Bethany
    December 9, 2015 (6:23 pm)

    My favorite holiday tradition is filling our Operation Christmas Boxes together. The kids have fun filling the boxes for a child their age. It helps my children to learn the importance of giving.

  • Jen Hidlebrand
    December 9, 2015 (9:09 pm)

    We love picking names off our angel tree at church. We pick one for each kiddo….someone around their age and go out to find something special for them. We also pick a little boy around the age Will would be!

  • Karen
    December 9, 2015 (9:12 pm)

    What gives me comfort at this time without our babies is thinking about the baby that was sent here to make a way for us to spend eternity with our children and to know that God knows our pain because He watched His son suffer and die to give us that gift.

  • Alicia
    December 9, 2015 (9:56 pm)

    I am not a big jewelry wearer but I really love this piece.

  • Jen
    December 10, 2015 (12:43 am)

    Amazing!! Love these items! So cute!

  • Jessica
    December 10, 2015 (4:51 am)

    Our favorite Christmas traditions are watching holiday movies and looking at Christmas lights!

  • Ashlee Schmidt
    December 10, 2015 (6:02 am)

    Congratulations Lindsay! You have won our Day 9 Giveaway! Please check your e-mail tomorrow for further instructions on how to receive these items!

    And thank you for everyone who participated!

    Continue to follow the blog over the next 3 days for a chance to win one of our other giveaways in this 12 Days of Christmas series!

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