
My name is Nina Buttermore, wife to Rob for almost 3 years and mom to two beautiful daughters, Auddie and Lennox (1 year old) and have lived in Southeastern Connecticut my whole life. I’m a stay at home mom who loves to craft, care for my family, and be involved in our community around us.

Auddie was born May 2015 and passed away in labor due to what the Drs believe was a perfect storm of issues. Have one issue and things would have been different but in our case they believe we had them all hit at just the right time. We were shocked as anyone would be but especially because she was a very well prayed for baby. Her pregnancy started with thinking we would lose her to then she would be born at about 27 weeks, to making it 39 weeks and my water breaking in the middle of the night as she is squirming away in my belly. God was so faithful during her pregnancy we were sure the hard part was behind us. Though we were surprised by her death, God was not. He was so present in those first few weeks, a true comfort when nothing seemed to make sense. Auddie’s life has been such a blessing and God has used her to teach me so much.

I found Hope Mommies a few months after her death during a web search looking for faith based support. I’m convinced the Lord led me to that page and gave me a boldness to step out of my comfort zone to join a Hope Group. I treasured digging in to scripture with other moms from around the country to learn who God was in light of losing Auddie and how I am called to live in light of what Christ has done for me on the cross. I’m so thrilled to meet our Lord in heaven when that day comes and our little girl worshipping at his feet, her little life has touched so many people!

I’m thankful for the opportunity to come along side you Mommas and I’m looking forward to meeting you. I’m sorry you are in this walk but thankful you don’t have to do it alone. Praying for you ladies and our 9 weeks together!