
My name is Leah and I have been married to my best friend Chad for two years. Only 6 months into our marriage on 11/12/13, I gave birth prematurely to our firstborn daughter Sophia Christine at 22 1/2 weeks gestation. She lived for 40 precious minutes in our arms before Jesus took her into His. One year later, God restored joy into our marriage with the birth of a sweet baby boy. Samuel is now 8 months old and is our living miracle after almost losing him too.

I first heard about Hope Mommies shortly after losing Sophia. I felt alone in my grief and began praying to find others whom I could relate to. I had stumbled across Katie Rowe’s blog years ago. I know it was a God thing that He brought me to her blog at the time because I suddenly found myself drawing back to her own journey of loss, only this time in a very personal way. And that is how I discovered Hope Mommies and became connected to so many other godly, inspiring Hope Moms who had also experienced infant loss.

The Lord has taught me so much already in Sophia’s short life and has used her in some remarkable ways I could never have dreamed of. Our babies lives are eternal and filled with purpose being carried out yet today. I have a huge heart for you ladies because I am one of you. Each of our stories is a little different. Yet we can all find the same hope and salvation in Jesus because He has redeemed us. He understands our pain better than anyone else and records our every tear.

I am looking forward to getting to know you all in the next 9 weeks and even make friendships that last beyond the session. I want us to be able to encourage and support one another as we seek the Lord in what He has for us during this time. This will be a safe place that I want you to feel comfortable in being able to share your stories and talk openly about your sweet babies. You are deeply loved by our Heavenly Father, and I am praying for you!