
My name is Jenny, and I am a momma to two precious little ones. Ella, who was stillborn at 36 weeks July 12, 2014, and Patrick, who made his entrance into this world at 37 weeks in May of 2015. My husband and I live in the Dallas, TX area and I received a HopeBox just a few days after we lost Ella. I was encouraged that there was a community of women who understood. I attended my first HopeMommies dinner exactly one month after we said goodbye to Ella and there I found a safe place to cry, laugh, and tell her story. I pray that our hope group is that for you. I want to know each of you and I want to hear about your babies. I look forward to walking along side of you as we learn to lean into the Lord during our grief.  I’m praying for each of you and for our upcoming session.