
Hi ladies! My name is Ginny Hall. I have been married to my college sweetheart, Cody, for nine years. We met at Baylor while he played baseball and I played soccer for the university. To say we are both pretty competitive is an understatement! We have four beautiful children sent to us from God. After struggling with the loneliness of infertility for close to three years, God blessed us with our first pregnancy. Only a few days after learning we were having a boy, my water broke and our long journey of uncertainty began. I was placed on bed rest in two different hospitals for 44 days and during this time, Cody and I both learned what it truly meant to have a raw dependence on Jesus since there was nothing that I could do but lay as still as I possibly could and wait. On  August, 8, 2013, our beautiful son, Hayes, was ready to conquer this world, weighing only two pounds six ounces and he was immediately rushed to the NICU. Our sweet Hayes fought a battle well fought for 11 hours and 11 minutes before Jesus chose to call him home.

I was heartbroken and lost but this is when God met me in my deepest darkest place. As I was still very fresh into my journey with loss, God’s grace and compassion for us shined through in a huge way. Hayes’ sister, Ellie, was born exactly one year and three days after he went to live in Glory. And if God’s love for us wasn’t already apparent, on October 9, 2016, we were blessed to have healthy twins, Lincoln and Emmy. I know without our Hayes, we wouldn’t have three beautiful children to pour or love into.

God entrusted Hayes to us and through Hayes, we learned our purpose through our pain.  God gave me a mission, and that is to tell other Hope Mommies about the amazing grace of God.  Sometimes God leaves the pain for a purpose and in this pain, He wants us to learn something. He can teach us much more through pain than through comfort.

God may not take away the hurt…. But He can and He will walk with us through it.