
My husband, Cody, & I have been married for almost nine years and we have three beautiful daughters, Anslee (7 years old),  Aislyn (almost 3 years old), Ashlyn (7 months old), and we have two babies in Heaven.  Anslee’s twin went to Heaven when they were around 8 weeks along in the pregnancy in July of 2009. Jackson Lee went to Heaven at 20 weeks along in our pregnancy on June 29, 2012 due to his cord being twisted above his belly button.  We found out about Hope Mommies through a chain of friends and it has been the biggest blessing in our lives the last several years!!!  We are so thankful for this ministry and what they have done for me and, in turn, for my family.  We have been youth leaders in two different churches in the past and we love working in that ministry!  We recently moved to Colorado where my husband is working full time at Hesperus Camp.  I am staying at home with our kiddos & homeschooling Anslee.  We love doing things together as a family & we strive to serve the Lord in everything that we do.

I have had the privilege of leading two online bible study groups over the last few years and it is always such a blessing.  It makes me search through scripture, encourages me to pray more, and is therapeutic for me to help minister to other women in their grieving process. It would be an honor to be able to lead a group again this spring!