
My name is Bethany and I’m Hope Mom to Joseph.  My husband, Patrick, and I live outside Seattle and have THREE cats (I always feel a little crazy when I say that).  I teach 1st graders and my husband works in accounting.  We like to watch movies, paddle kayaks around the Puget Sound near our house and are involved with our church.

We had been trying to conceive for 6 years when we found out we were pregnant with medical intervention.  We were elated.  The 20 week anatomy scan revealed a serious condition that meant our sweet miracle Joseph wouldn’t live.  We were devastated.

I found Hope Mommies through an e-mail from a person I had never met, but knew our story, because they met someone wearing a Hope Mommies T-shirt and asked about it!  In this Hope Group I’m looking forward to the encouragement we can share in how we choose to respond to loss.  I want to grow closer to each other and Christ through this loss and share the real daily struggle with other Hope Moms with similar hurts and similar HOPE!