How Beautiful The Feet That Bring Good News
“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.”
-Isaiah 52:7

Those beautiful feet and that perfect Good News.
I have felt the tug of the Holy Spirit calling me to the unreached people of Malawi, Africa to go make God’s name famous. I have been called to show and teach His love in my home with the ones He has entrusted me with. And I have answered the call to share the Good News everywhere in between. My feet have been stained in the red dirt of the beautiful African paths that connect the secluded villages, and they have also been covered in the grit of dirt and crumbs that fill my home.
My feet have felt powerful, yet they have also felt weary. I have tried my hardest to share and show Jesus with those that these feet have taken me to encounter. Some days I succeed, and some I miserably fail. But what about those feet that never go “upon the mountains?” What about those tiny toes that never hit the ground running to shout praises about our Lord? What about the feet of our babies who fell asleep in our wombs or our arms before we were ready and woke in the presence of our King? Those feet didn’t travel a single mile or touch a speck of dirt, but they are more beautiful than mine who have traveled many miles in His name. Those beautiful feet have brought the Good News to many in our mourning.
As a mother with a child on the other side of Glory, I have the ability to choose whether my daughter’s feet carry the Good News. Do I let the impact of her short life dissipate or do I carry on her footsteps to shine a light for Jesus?
“To grant those who mourn in Zion – to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit; that they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he may be glorified.”
-Isaiah 61:3
God can take our ashes, our mourning, our faint spirits and bring so much beauty if we allow it. God can use us as avenues to carry on the footsteps of those that are now with Him to deliver Good News. If we truly believe there is power in the name of Jesus, we must allow Him to break our chains and tear down the walls that have been built on sorrow and lament so that His glory can shine from our darkness. The tiny feet that have imprinted on my heart have shared Jesus with me in a way that no other could have come close to. Those little toes showed me so much more about His love in a short 20 week span than I will ever be able to show in an entire lifetime. I love the idea of those little feet upon the mountains in Glory while she is bringing Good News here on earth.
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights the whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”
–James 1:17
Our precious gifts were from none other than the Father of lights. They were His before He gifted them to us. Just because they are not physically here with us, does not mean our jobs as mothers are done. Just as those who have living children spend a lot of blood, sweat, and tears raising them to live for the Lord in this sinful world, those with children in heaven can allow their lives to direct others to Christ. When someone speaks my daughter’s name, all I want others to hear is the name of Jesus.
Sweet Hope Mommies, I want to sit with you in your pain, I want to celebrate our Hope Baby(ies), and I want to share the Good News of Jesus Christ in their honor. Let’s shout to the world about our Savior, who breathed us out of dust to life, Who chose to carry all our shame, who gifted us with endless life! The One who came to the earth He created and gave us freedom at the cost of His own life.
“The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away;
blessed be the name of the LORD.”
–Job 1:21
I lift His name higher and higher.
This post originally appeared on the blog on March 10, 2016
- Calli
Hope Mom to Blair
Calli Williams is a passionate Christ follower. Calli is married to Jared, and has six children: Gavyn, Grant, Bertie, Gwyneth, Blair, who has been in Glory since November 2014, and Brynne, who joined their family in November 2015. She enjoys spending time with her family, reading when she can steal a quiet moment, using her creativity to craft, and splurging on anything chocolate.
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