God Sent His Son

Welcome to Hope Mommies’ In the Word devotionals. Throughout this Advent season, we will be studying Galatians 4:4-5 together. In this series, we wil study the gospel truths found in these verses and discover how the coming of Christ speaks into our sorrow.

“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.”
Galatians 4:4-5
God sent His Son.
While Christmas does mark the coming of Christ in human flesh, it is not His beginning. This is the beauty of Christmas. Long before that first Christmas, before even the beginning of time, Christ existed in His divine person. The Son was always with the Father. The very fact that Christ was “sent” implies His pre-existence. The sent One was none other than He who “was in the beginning with God” (John 1:2).
The word “sent” also implies action. God purposefully acted on our behalf. Christ was sent, covered in the love of the Father and filled with divine authority, to die for the sins of the world. The fullness of time had come. The moment in history for God’s redemptive plan for mankind to come into fruition was here. God sent His Son to redeem us, to mend our brokenness, and to breathe new life and hope into our mortal bodies.
Dear One, every ounce of your hope hinges on this monumental display of God’s great love for you. Jesus was sent to die so that you might live, so that you could one day be united with Him in glory. There can be no greater comfort in our grief than this. Because Jesus was sent, death is not the end. It is merely a momentary separation. A great reunion awaits all those who place their trust in Jesus.
In this Advent season, as our hearts remember the first coming of Christ and long for His return, let us fix our eyes on the redemption that was made available to us when God sent His Son.
What do the following verses teach us about the divine purpose for Christ’s coming?
- Mark 10:45
- John 3:16
- John 6:38
- John 12:46
- John 18:37
- Romans 8:3
- Hebrews 2:14
- 1 Timothy 1:15
Using the verses above as your guide, make a list of the eternal gifts that are yours because of Christ’s coming. Write a prayer to God, thanking Him for sending His Son on your behalf.
- Ashlee
Hope Mom to Simeon and Odelle
Ashlee is the Editorial Coordinator for Hope Mommies and author of I AM (Hope Mommies, 2017) and Identity (Hope Mommies, 2018). She and her husband, Jesse, live in Milwaukee with their children—five on earth and two in heaven.
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