Bright Hope: A Place to Start

Hope Mommies is excited to announce that our founder, Erin Cushman’s, new book, Bright Hope: 28 Daily Devotions for Grief in Light of the Gospel is now available for purchase! Find it at Amazon here. Bright Hope was written to give hope and encouragement to those in mourning. Centered around biblical truth, drawing on historical expressions of faith through hymns and poetry, and infused with personal experiences, Bright Hope is for anyone journeying through the lonely shadows caused by grief and toward the light of the gospel of Jesus. Today, we are sharing another promotional trailer for this book.

Come, Ye Disconsolate

Come, ye disconsolate, where’er ye languish;
Come to the mercy seat, fervently kneel.
Here bring your wounded hearts; here tell your anguish.
Earth has no sorrow that heav’n cannot heal.

Joy of the desolate, Light of the straying,
Hope of the penitent, fadeless and pure!
Here speaks the Comforter, tenderly saying,
“Earth has no sorrow that heav’n cannot cure.

Here see the Bread of Life; see waters flowing
Forth from the throne of God, pure from above.
Come to the feast of love; come, ever knowing
Earth has no sorrow but heav’n can remove.

Words by Thomas Moore (1816) and Thomas Hastings (1832)

10 years ago, when I left the hospital empty-handed and shattered, I knew the Lord would be faithful to walk with me through the grief, but I didn’t know where to start.

What do I do?
What do I read?
Can I survive this?

I needed something to ground me in God’s Word without drowning me. I needed direction on how to apply the truth to each specific moment. I needed a devotional like Bright Hope.

As the book began to take shape, it was sweet to discover yet again that one does not “move past” any particular phase in grief. The phases come and go, the waves rush and recede, but the gems of truth that secure and strengthen become richer and deeper, and traverse any trial. Bright Hope is intentionally short, crafted to walk through grief one day at a time.

Bright Hope leads us through a progression of:

  • Coming to the Lord,
  • Beholding Him,
  • Finding His truth that secures us, and
  • Walking out our grief with Him by our side.

- Erin Cushman

Hope Mom to Gwendolyn Hope and Baby Cush

Book Quotes

“His call is simply an acknowledgement that life is often full of weariness and heavy burdens, and that reprieve and rest are found in Him.”
-Bright Hope pg. 19

“When we hush our busy minds, steady our anxious hearts, and quietly behold the person of God through His word, transformation begins. We become what we behold.”
-Bright Hope pg. 37

“Whatever circumstances you are facing, you can be assured that God’s eye is on you, His ear is attentive to your cry, and He is leading you in the right way. “
-Bright Hope pg. 45-46

“He knows how quickly we change from day to day in our emotions and thoughts. But He is unchanging and always running on full. He never grows tired or weary, and He extends His own fullness to us when we seek and find our refuge in Him.”
-Bright Hope pg. 57

“But thanks be to God, there is a sure and steadfast way to find peace. It is found in following the Prince of Peace wherever He may lead.”
-Bright Hope pg. 77

“He invites us to bring all of our cares, worries, thoughts, and fears to Him at every moment. He never shames us or shakes His head in annoyance. Instead, with a promise that His perfect peace will guard our hearts and minds, He invites us to come and rest in Him.”
-Bright Hope pg. 78

“He is working all of eternity toward His perfect will, and when we see Him face to face, that will be answer enough.”
-Bright Hope pg. 84

“As we keep coming to Him one day at a time, beholding His beauty, finding comfort and strength in His character, and learning to walk while being helped by the One who never fails, He leads us in the way victorious.”
-Bright Hope pg. 93

It is our prayer that this devotional will provide deep and lasting comfort for your grieving heart as you come before the Lord, behold His greatness, find strength in His unfailing, unchanging character, and learn to walk alongside Him one day at a time as He leads you deeper into His very presence. So grab a copy for yourself or share one with a friend who needs a fresh reminder of the hope we have in Christ.

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