In the Word: Protected

Welcome to Hope Mommies’ In the Word devotionals. It is our desire that this series will aid you in getting in the Bible for yourself and discovering the joy that comes from hearing from God through the pages of His Word.

“who by God’s power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.” 1 Peter 1:5a



Our heavenly future, or, the final step in the process of our salvation (Romans 8:30), is being guarded heavily. Here, “guarded” gives the image of a military presence that is shielding what is of value. What kind of backing and resources does this “military presence” have? Nothing less than God’s power. No enemy that will succeed in passing that barrier! There is nothing, absolutely nothing (not even our own failings!), that will take away from us that final culmination of our salvation in which we will be with Christ in heaven. It all rests on His power and faithfulness—not our strength. What a gift! We can be confident that the work that God has begun in each of us will be carried through to completion. What glorious hope this grants us. Our future is secure. For all those in Christ, a heavenly reunion awaits.


•Read Romans 8:30. Make a list of what is true of you as someone who has given your life to Christ as Master. Do you believe this with all of your heart and mind—or is that difficult for you right now? Why?

•Read Romans 8:34. According to these verses, why is your future secure?

•Read also Romans 8:11 and Ephesians 1:19-20. Losing our babies can make us feel powerless—powerless to save our children from what took their lives. Take into account everything we have read today about Christ’s power. How does this encourage you, in view of your circumstances? 

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