
Hello my name is Meg Loyer. I am married to my sweet husband and best friend, Sean and have a precious 11 year old little boy Luke. Sean and I were expecting our first child together in November of 2016 but delivered our beautiful baby girl in June at almost 20 weeks. I went in to preterm labor due to an infection. She was with us for about 45 minutes. We love and miss her everyday but hold onto our hope in Jesus and the promise of eternity in Heaven. We have been trying for our rainbow baby but have not succeeded yet. For a living I work in Hospice. I used to think this was a bit ironic but now I can see why I am where I am and I love helping others grieve and remember. I am looking forward to the study this fall and meeting women whose lives have been changed by their loss and to help them find hope in the only one who can give it.