5 results for tag: Our Eternity

Anticipating Our Eternity

As we’ve spent the past few days growing our understanding of eternity and what our life will be like there, I imagine that for many of you it has served as a reminder of how temporal this life on earth really is. And the more we understand just how harsh and painful the effects of sin are in this world, the more a longing for our true, heavenly home arises in our hearts.  These glimpses of what heaven is like awaken us to all that God has in store for those who place their trust in Him.  Through His Word and His Spirit, God gives us a small taste of what is ahead so that our hearts will never be able to settle for anything less than what ...

Life In Our Eternity {Part 2}

This article is a continuation of a previous post. You can read Life In Our Eternity {Part 1} here. Clue 3 – Our Moral Capacity The third clue about what our eternal state will contain is demonstrated in man’s moral capacity. In our eternal state, man's moral capacity will be only pure and good. While we work and live out of our cultural and relational capacities too, our moral capacity is the dominant theme of the rest of Scripture after Adam's disobedience. Man's moral capacity is of utter importance because our cultural and relational capacities do not function as God intends when the moral capacity ...

Life in Our Eternity {Part 1}

Have you ever observed that the Bible starts in a garden—Eden—and ends in a garden-city—New Jerusalem—both of which are places where God dwells with mankind? The Bible begins in Genesis with a very good creation. Adam and Eve dwelled in the garden of Eden with God. God gave them everything good: close communion with Himself, a relationship together to reflect Him, and the ability to respond to God's good commands with obedience. With all of this, they chose to disobey Him. We are made for communion with God, to reflect God in relationships with each other, and for responding to God's goodness and glory with obedience. ...

Presently With the Lord

Our babies don’t exactly experience all aspects of eternity yet, seeing as the new heavens and new earth have not yet been inaugurated. Some promises (for example, the restoration of the earth, and God making His forever-home on earth with man, and the resurrection of our bodies) are still forth-coming. Yet, Jesus made clear to the believing thief on the cross beside Him that he would truly see Jesus immediately after death—in fact, Jesus used the term “today” to describe this promise (Luke 23:43). To be away from the body is to be present with the Lord (2 Cor. 5:8). Even though the soul will not be united with the body again ...

We Will See Him

We will see Him. We will “behold His face” (Matt. 18:10). We will see Him “as He is” (1 John 3:2) without any separation. We will bow before Him (Phil. 2:10). To Be with God Our eternal life is where He—His holiness, sovereignty, goodness, mercy, and more—is experienced and proclaimed. Angelic beings, called seraphim, proclaim His holiness in the heavenly places (Isa. 6:3), showing us that He will be the One we want to speak of. He will be stunning to us. We will call to one another that He is holy and glorious. As people who have experienced the greatest possible magnificence and cannot keep it within, we will exchange with one ...